
Caro has been the most amazing person to work with and clearly gave me my life back. I became a different person in just 4 weeks and although I first started working with Caro mainly for weight loss and getting my emotional eating (and the weight gain) under control, I realized quickly through her, that this is so much more than weight loss. Caro is the best life coach one could ask for and I am beyond grateful for her work with me and on me. What I also love about her is that she makes the sessions so personal and making the work my very individual journey. She made my lifestyle change easy and fun and this is exactly what I needed, not just another quick fix where you loose weight quickly but gain it back even faster…we all have been there! Caro gave me back my happiness, health, confidence and so much more. I always look forward to our sessions!

Caroline K., Los Angeles, California.

Every year during the holidays I gain five pounds. This year my goal was to not gain the weight! I spoke to Caro about my dilemma. Six weeks later with Caro’s coaching I did not gain the five pounds, in fact I ended up losing 16 pounds during the holiday season! Through Caro’s life coaching sessions,  I have learned to use tools that change my mindset about weight loss and weight management. I feel light, healthy, and free about my food and exercise choices. Thank you for helping me.  Caro’s dedication and hard work is phenomenal.

Denise M., Los Angeles, California.

Allyson enjoying her new self at week 5 of her weight-loss program with Caro

Allyson enjoying her new self at week 5 of her weight-loss program with Caro

Caro the life coach was amazing.  I found her on Facebook and at first was hesitant, however Caroline doesn’t disappoint on guidance and coaching.  We worked on my weight and body issues and was extremely happy with the ‘anytime support’ and I mean anytime.  She gave me huge support and guidance not just on food choices and food combinations but also on my inner war on my self-esteem and body image.  She is truly an angel and knows her stuff! ❤️LP

Lisa P., Chico, California.


Working with Caro has been a wonderful experience!!! She has such a kind heart and cares so much about her clients! I have seen a tremendous amount of growth in myself in only a short time. I have learned to be much kinder to myself and how to lose weight through her lessons and homework. The accountability she provided for me was invaluable. It was so helpful to have a coach and friend every step of the way to help me through challenges. I’m so incredibly grateful that I found Caro and her program!

Jessica H., Houston, Texas.

J'ai eu la chance de travailler avec Caro durant 6 semaines. 
Ce coaching a été un grand bouleversement pour moi. 
Avoir le luxe de pouvoir discuter de ma problématique avec une professionnelle sans aucune restriction, sans jugement et dans la bienveillance est un cadeau que tout le monde devrait se faire. 
Caro m'a accompagnée durant ce processus avec énormément de patience, d'écoute, de compréhension et ce, également entre les sessions. Je me suis sentie soutenue, épaulée, guidée, boostée. 
Je ressors de ce coaching avec un grand nombre d'outils qui ont déjà permis de débloquer et de comprendre des éléments essentiels à mon mieux-être.

Marina H., Paris, France.


Caro is an inspiration to work with. She’s not a fad diet coach. She relies on practical and simple, no fuss meal planning with an overall lifestyle approach to food. Her method was ideal for me because I’m a busy Mom, and full time business leader. Overall I enjoyed working with her and I plan to work with her again because her approach is about your overall well being. I lost 5 lbs in the first 2 weeks just by her simple strategy.

Allyson C., Los Angeles, California.


Caro is a genuine, loving and caring person, who has helped me realize my pain and thanks to her, I have started to feel good agian! I have talked about my deepest, darkest secrets to her that I now realize have tortured me for many years. And because she is so caring, warm and loving in how she approaches what she hears, no matter how much you judge yourself, I can honestly say that I feel that she stands by my side, without any judgement and just love. Just the fact that she really listens when I speak and she gives me the kindness I was not able to give to myself, was like a warm blanket to my soul. And she taught me how to be this person, your true self again, with making references you can understand and picture in your mind and leading by being an example. I am so grateful for having listened to my gut and for having decided to pay for her coaching because it has literary changed how I feel. When the dark blanket disappeared, for the first time in almost 35 years, I have started to realize that I can feel better. I was no longer doomed to live in fear for the rest of my life. If you carry your darkness with you for so long, it is very difficult to feel or see the light in the moment. I didn’t realize, before it disappeared, how much it had hindered me to evolve and to change. With her warm heart and love I managed to release my pain at last. I am so grateful for that. Thank you, thank you, thank you Caro! 

Eli H., Norway.