Why a LifeCoach?

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I have news for you my awesome readers…Life is 50/50 for EVERYONE. Yes for everyone. Even Steve Jobs had cancer. The even bigger news I have is that you can learn to make your life 80/20 instead. How??? By simply learning to manage your emotions!

Yessss that’s right, in order for ‘happy’ to exist, we need to allow ‘sad’ to be there too. And having a LifeCoach is like having someone in the driver’s seat with you to help drive your life to its full and best potential. We can have graduated from Harvard, yet never have learned about managing our emotions. Craaazy!!! Life is full of ups and downs, and the key to thrive through those ‘downs’ especially, is a healthy mind.

A LifeCoach is someone who holds the space for you, someone who does not judge you, someone who loves you unconditionally yet…who won’t jump in the river of misery with you. A Certified LifeCoach teaches you the tools to navigate any difficulties in your life. It is so liberating. You will be blown away!

We think about SIXTY THOUSAND thoughts per day, so if you’re not paying attention to your brain and choosing to deliberately think on purpose, you will be swept up by the messages that are constantly being put into your brain. Ultimately, you may end up being somewhere you don’t want to be.

My clients know I have their back. And whether their issue is in Overeating, Overdrinking, Relationships, Time Management or Career, through the magic of life coaching, my clients are able to see exactly what they are capable of! And that is why everyone should have and deserves to have a LifeCoach.


For a taste of what’s it like, bring on any problem to me, your first session is FREE!


“All results in your life start in your mind. Using your brain to manage your mind can be challenging and that's where a coach can come in and make all the difference. All of the most successful people I know get coaching regularly.” -Brooke Castillo

Caro Szabo