

What is the solution to this problem?

Overeating is when one eats more than what their body actually requires for fuel. Overtime, the extra food is repeatedly stored as fat and that mechanism drives their body to become overweight.

People generally overeat to compensate for uncomfortable, negative emotions. Eating feels good. You don’t have to think, you can just relax and eat and avoid thinking about that upsetting event at the office, or the argument with you husband, or about your teenager who’s giving you a hard time . 

And our brain loves to get really good at repeating the same task or at thinking the same thought over and over, so before you know it, it becomes a repetitive cycle: you don’t feel happy, so you eat!!!

It’s amazing how we go thru years and years of studying hard maths, and history, and science in school, yet no one ever teaches us to learn to manage our emotions! To me, this is just crazy and almost irresponsible, because in the end, people don’t know how to cope.

To that, you add 30 years of false information about what is healthy for us, including the low fat craze, and you get the perfect combination for overeating and gaining weight.

Our brains are designed to be rewarded for life preserving activities. Food provides that reward in the form of serotonin, dopamine and/or desire. All the cues around food then create neural pathways that constantly remind us how important it is to seek it again and again. And the more we do something and the stronger the corresponding neural pathways become. Eventually, we get so good at it that it becomes an unconscious habit. 

The good news is that we can change these ingrained pathways by replacing them with new ones and interrupting the old ones by changing our actions, which in turn will help us trick the brain to deny the unhealthy rewards, and that’s what I teach in my 6 weeks program to permanent weight-loss.

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Stay tuned for my next blog on How to Change Your Brain!

Caro the LifeCoach

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