Gus…and how to manage urges!


A few weeks ago, when coaching one of my amazing clients enrolled in my weight-loss program, something fun happened that I’d like to share with you! I was teaching my client about overdesire. As part of that process, instead of eating the desired food, she would need to allow the desire, or the urge, to be present without rewarding it.

While explaining to her the 4 ways to allow the urge to be there, there’s one in particular she truly connected with. Here it is: “To hold the urge in a place of peace. To accept the urge and to be present with it. To allow it to be there.To pretend to hold it in your hand and to approach it with childlike curiosity.”

I asked my client to close her eyes, and to imagine the ‘scene’. As she was envisioning it, she said “I’d like to give it a name because this ‘overdesire’ has been with me for so many years that it’s almost taken the place of a person. My urge’s name is going to be “GUS” from Gus in Cinderella!.” “Do you know why that name came to my mind?”, she asked. “Simply because sweet little chubby Gus can never resist food and will even risk putting himself in danger for a good piece of cheese! And I can identify with him!.”


Gus and…


Since then, everytime my client has managed to resist an urge, she’s put a beautiful colored bead in her ‘urge jar’…as a symbol to feed her imaginary friend Gus! 

It’s been together so fun and very motivating for her. It’s helped her trick her brain back to healthier habits and slowly but surely shedding the pounds she desperately needed to lose. Like with the Pavlov’s dogs, who were taught to drool at the sound of a bell because it meant food was coming, and were later on taught back to dissociate the ringing of the bell with food, she uses my weight-loss tools to teach her brain how to not react to a desire anymore. At first, yes it felt uncomfortable, but with practice, it’s quickly become a new way of life where the she is regaining control over the food.

Amazing! What name do you want to give to YOUR urge jar?!

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