My Stress-Free Thanksgiving


About two weeks ago, my girlfriend asked me what I had planned for the week of Thanksgiving. I said “O this year, we’re totally taking it easy! I’m making dinner reservations outside, we’re going to chill with the kids, maybe drive to Santa Barbara, enjoy our quiet time, read, go on walks, eat good food, catch up on movies, and basically just RELAX!”. 

Well, here we are two weeks later, and this is our week so far…:  

-        my son’s best friend came over for the full weekend, 3 boys in the house hurray!

-        my cousins surprised us they’re all coming for Thanksgiving, so we’re now hosting everyone, hurray for 15 people!

-        my 9 year old nephew is arriving on Wednesday for the week, hurray for another boy in the house!

-        my kids have more playdates planned out, and of course in the midst of all that there will be some work, a tone of chores, and my husband leaving for a business trip! 

Do i now feel RELAXED?!!! NOT ONE BIT!!!

The thoughts that things are out of my control. That it will be hard. That I’ll have no help. That I’ll be exhausted are all leading me to feeling completely OVERWHELMED.

And what do i do when i feel overwhelmed?

I loop in these thoughts. I don’t plan properly for my week. I buffer in social media and chocolate. I don’t work out. I have no patience. 

Bottom line…I am super stressed out and nothing is getting done!

The solution to this….you’d think as a LifeCoach i should know better!


So here it comes Thanksgiving relaxing break:

I am choosing to manage my mind 

I am choosing LOVE instead of overwhelmed.

I am choosing GRATEFUL over stressed out.

I am choosing BLESSED over frustrated.

I am choosing HEALTHY over junk.


I am choosing to LET IT GO.

I am choosing to FEEL THE LOVE.

And that my friends feels a whole lot better! 

Decide how you want to feel and Why!

Think about the result that you want. And love your reasons.


HAPPY THANKSGIVING my beautiful readers! 

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