Change your brain to...change your life!


Holiday season or not, the human experience as I see it in most of my clients’ lives looks like this: we worry about the future, we regret the past, and we blame ourselves for the present!

We get frustrated when we can’t have what we want.

We get disappointed when what we like ends.

We have an agenda for the people in our lives.

We suffer that we’re not understood.

We suffer that we suffer…

We’re sad about waking up sad yet another day.

We’re upset about being in pain.

This kind of suffering is all constructed by the brain. It’s all made up by the brain!

The great news is that although our brain is the cause of our suffering, it can also be its own cure!

You can use your mind…to change your brain…to benefit your mind and everyone else whose life you touch.

So how do we use our mind to change our brain??? We practice watching our THOUGHTS, meaning the little sentences in our head. Our brain loves to loop with the same thoughts over and over again. It doesn’t care that they’re positive or negative thoughts. It only cares about getting good at repeating the sentences over and over. If you’re not careful about which thoughts loop in your head, you can quickly drown into sadness, victimization, anger and more.

I recommend you do THOUGHTS DOWNLOADS everyday. Every morning, you take a blank sheet of paper and for 10 minutes you write down all the sentences that are going thru your mind. This simple yet very powerful experience is going to help you take a perspective from what the voices in your head are telling you. Save the thoughts that are serving you. Eliminate the ones that are causing you looping in pain and anger.

Slowly, this mindfulness practice will help you change your brain, which ultimately will change your life!

Teach everyone around you, and slowly, one person at a time, it will help tip our world to a better place.

To get coached on all the drama in your life, and achieve your impossible goals for 2020, book your FREE SESSION here now:

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