Food and...why do we overeat?


We overeat to compensate for our negative emotions.

We overeat to compensate for negative emotions.

Boredom, sadness, anger, stress, guilt of course, procrastination, and for so many more emotions we rather avoid than sit with.

Why do we do that?

Because we never learned it any other way…

When did anyone ever teach us how to manage our emotions? When did “Emotions 101” show up on your High School options?!


So how do you get happy?

Society tells us to just binge on Netflix, check everyone else’s ‘pretend’ perfect little life on social media, or to of course buy something, and to eat something sweet because we deserve it, or to drink something and we’ll feel more relaxed, or to smoke something and everything will just be better!

Unfortunately, it’s not that simple! We can do all of the above, feel numb for a few minutes or hours if we’re lucky, but the emotions will be right there waiting for us and the guilt will pile up and….we’ll binge in an attempt to make it all go away….and the circle will perpetuate.

Well…I have a better formula for you my fellow busy moms: our EMOTIONS come from our THOUGHTS….yes….our THOUGHTS, the little innocent sentences in our brain. And these little THOUGHTS create our FEELINGS, and drive the ACTIONS we take or don’t take, and ultimately the RESULTS in our life!

So every single time you overeat, it’s because of a THOUGHT, and every time you don’t overeat it’s also because of a THOUGHT. 

So by creating THOUGHTS in your mind that create less DESIRE for food, you will retrain your brain to healthier habits.

For example, choosing to think “Losing weight is gonna require a lot of work” will mostly drive ‘discouragement’ and ‘inaction’ and a result of NOT LOSING any weight….versus choosing to think “If I create the body that I want, and put an end to my weight struggle, there is nothing I won’t be able to do in my life!” will drive you to feel ‘motivated’ and to take actions such as ‘managing your thoughts, planning ahead of time and staying on protocol’, which will then lead you to the result of LOSING WEIGHT and having a greater overall health. 

So choosing to think encouraging thoughts on purpose, no matter what, will drive you to your goal. 

You can chose to see your weight as a curse or you can chose to see it as a blessing and as an opportunity to finally learn the tools to manage your mind and allow your emotions to be there. Look at it from a place of curiosity.

The cupcakes and the pizza will always be there.

So what do you want to think and feel right now? What do you want your future self to feel and look like?

Write it down. And book your FREE coaching session and treat yourself to a LifeCoach for this new year.

It’s FREE and so powerful, your mind will be blow away!

I look forward to helping you…

Caro SzaboComment