Anxiety're okay


In life, pain is inevitable…

The good news is that…suffering is optional!

Something happens. It might be a car suddenly cutting you off, a bad argument with your husband, getting rejected, or anticipating a challenging event such as giving a talk next week. Or even just a worrisome thought.

Whatever the source of the “threat”, the amygdala in your brain sounds the alarm, setting off several reactions in your body.

Within a few seconds of the initial alarm, your brain is on red alert, your nervous system is lit up like a Christmas tree and stress hormones (adrenaline and cortisol) are washing through your blood.

You get scared. freak out. You think “Am I having a panic attack or am I going to die?”.

In our modern and much safer world, in most cases there is no real danger behind our anxieties. No lion running at us! But our brain typically detects negative emotions faster than it detects positive emotions. In other words, our brain is drawn to bad news….

And when an event is flagged as negative, the hippocampus makes sure it is stored carefully for future reference. Basically your brain is like Velcro for negative experiences and like Teflon for positive ones…even though most of our experiences are probably neutral or positive.

The anxiety, the panicky feeling you experience in your chest, belly and more, is just a feeling.

And a feeling is just a vibration in your body….all driven by a thought…

So if you can simply stay present with whatever is arising in awareness, without reacting further, then you will break the chain of suffering right there.

Try it…when the anxiety comes, just talk to it. Just say “O hello anxiety! It’s okay, I’ve got you”. Breathe deeply and slowly… Lastly and if you can, sing a song, do a few jumping jacks, all to distract your brain from that uncomfortable moment. You will see that quite rapidly, your brain will receive the signal that you’re safe and the rapid blood flow and heart rate will slowly return to normal.

It takes practice but it works! Try it and let me know how you do!

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Caro SzaboComment