Your health is your wealth...


Caring for your body and for your mind is the recipe to good health and to your true wealth!

It might sound silly and simplistic but to be physically healthy, here are a few basics I recommend you follow:

1- Food that fuels your body: protein, good fat, vegetables, fresh fruit, moderate carbs, ginger turmeric shots, and dark chocolate.

2- Water: drink half your weight in ounces. Add lemon or a piece of cucumber or fresh thyme to add natural flavor to your water.

3- Good sleep: 7 hours is a good average. Taking a 15-20 min power nap during the day, usually after lunch, is also very beneficial both for your brain and for your body to recharge. Don’t eat too close to your bed time to ensure digestion doesn’t get in the way disrupting your sleep. Keep your room fresh. Use a warm mist humidifier in the winter months to ensure hydration for your nose, throat and chest.

4- Exercise: 20-30 min a day is great! 10 min cardio, 10 min yoga or weights, 10 min stretching and relaxation. There are many apps out there. I use BeachBody On Demand, it costs $99 for the whole year and the classes are amazing!

5- Wash your hands A LOT! It helps protecting you from the flu, a cold, a stomach virus etc…

6- Sunlight: sit outside, close your eyes, turn your palms open to the sun, even 5-10 min every day to ensure good Vitamin D, particularly during the winter months. Open your windows, even for just a few minutes, especially your bedroom, to let the air recycle inside.

6- Connection with nature: if you can walk barefoot on grass, hold a tree, walk around your neighborhood park, smell the flowers if in season, breathe, be grateful and appreciative for our world.

The simple fact of getting out every day in crisp fresh air can improve your mood and your vitality.

So to start at ‘happy’ you first need to take care of your physical health.

The other part of ‘happy’ is to work on your mind and to be the Watcher of your Thoughts….

Your brain likes to focus on the negatives. It likes to find the wrong in everything to protect you from danger, even hypothetic danger that will never happen! And it likes to dwell in the sad…

If you start practicing watching what your brain thinks, and become more conscious and aware of the looping thoughts, direct your brain to think more positive thoughts that better serve you, and you will slowly witness the switch in your mood, your health and the overall results in your life.

You can chose to think: I know that the world isn’t perfect. I know that i’m not perfect. I know that my reality isn’t at the level of my dreams yet but I can decide to love my life regardless!

What are YOUR resolutions for 2020? Lose weight and learn my amazing tools to not gain the weight back? Stop smoking? Learn to stop overdrinking? Workout? Get married? Plan for a baby? Switch job? Win your battle against cancer?

Whatever your resolution is, I have what it takes to get you there

Book your FREE session and start your new journey:

I can’t wait to see what you’re gonna do!

Caro SzaboComment