

The concept of family dinner is becoming a rarity in most homes.

On top of this, we see a lot of people eating on the run.

Eating in their cars, at their desks, while watching TV or surfing the net.

This shows not only a disconnection from others during meals, but also a disconnection from ourselves.

The fast and manufactured food industries grew as a way to allow people to eat quickly, on the run, and with MINIMAL EFFORT.

Science has found ways to make food-like chemicals so that meals would cook faster, taste better and make people come back for more!

My issue with manufactured foods is that they disconnect us from the earth and nature.

AND from the people…

I believe that GOOD HEALTH is about CONNECTION

Connection to ourselves and to our bodies, but also to nature, and to other people is key to a balanced life.

When I say I am my clients’ Tribe and that the deep connection we build is a huge factor in their success, it is so true.

Prioritize YOU.

Establish a relationship with YOURSELF.

And know I am here for you 💜

Caro, your LifeCoach

Photo by Perry Grone on Unsplash