We become what we think about...


And for most of my clients coming into my program with 100 pounds to lose, changing the way they think about themselves and about their food is a HUGE challenge.

They have often been carrying this excess weight for years, decades sometimes.

And so loving themselves might start with something like: “I have a body”.

As you might know, I am a huge believer of the Law of Attraction and of the way the Universe responds to how you feel about what you say and about what you think.

And that process of MANIFESTATION starts when you think about your DESIRE, talk about it, write about it, or when you give it any kind of attention, energy and focus.

So the way I like to see it is that you are IN THE PROCESS.

And when you say “I’m in the process of losing my excess 100 pound weight”, that sentence becomes true, and if it’s true for you, it feels good and it sends a positive vibration out to the world…

You might also chose to think “I’m in the process of having ideal health”.

Or “I love seeing myself making healthy food choices”.

This ‘in the process of’ type of work helps you take your weight loss journey one step at time.

Believing these baby steps thoughts is giving them life!

You manifest your desire for your health, you are sending positive vibrations out to the world, and together with the immense and critical work we do on the mind and body, you are making your dream goal HAPPEN!!!

The work we do in my Weight Loss Tribe is truly mind-blowing. No deprivation. No pills. No shakes. Just amazing mental work to retrain your brain to healthier habits combined with my unique nutritional tools from growing up in Paris with a diabetic dad.

Book your FREE consultation here for your chance to join in on this program 💜

Caro, your LifeCoach

Photo by Thought Catalog on Unsplash