Vibrations in your body...


Do you know that feelings are just vibrations in our body.

The word vibration comes from the root word vibe

The word vibe is often used to describe a mood or a feeling that you pick up from someone or something.

For example, I remember walking into the home I live in now and despite the many issues that needed to be addressed, an amazing vibe could already be felt in that space. And almost 3 years later, I can still feel that positive vibe everywhere in my house, and there is not a day that passes that I am not reminding myself of how grateful I am to be living here surrounded by such beautiful energy and nature.

The word vibe describes the mood or the feeling you are experiencing.

In other words, the word vibe equals a mood or a feeling.

And every mood or feeling causes you to emit a vibration.

That vibration can be either positive or negative.

And what we’re finding more and more is that positive vibrations draw healthy responses from our bodies in the form of stronger immune systems, healthier sleep patterns, and greater overall mental and physical health.

So my recommendation is that when you are faced with a difficult situation, think of one positive message you could tell yourself to influence your vibrations to go ‘positive’ or at least to not go entirely ‘negative’ 😊

Also to be more conscious of how you could talk to yourself in more positive ways each day, in order to support your life goals, and your optimal well-being.

By identifying the vibrations you are sending out to the Universe, you will be able to make more conscious choices of what needs to change in order to create a different result for you in your life!

🙏 🙏 🙏

Caro, your LifeCoach

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Photo by Mike Lewinski on Unsplash