TV...the eating threat


With all the amazing Netflix and Prime series out there, it’s a fact, people who watch a lot of TV are more likely to be overweight than those who don't.

The less TV people watch, the thinner they are.

No matter how old they are.

Kids included.

Both adults AND children are more likely to snack when watching TV…even when they are not hungry.

TV makes for a triple eating threat:

Aside from leading us to eat, it leads us to not pay attention to how much we eat.

AND it leads us to eat for too long.

Thirdly, the more we focus on what' we’re watching, the more we forget how much we’ve eaten…

Slowly we unconsciously train our brain into these little habits “O I won’t be able to sleep if I don’t eat enough before bed” and we convince ourselves our excuses are valid and we overeat…and we gain weight.

Nowadays with such easy access to series all from the comfort of our own home, it’s become really easy to binge on our favorite show to numb ourselves from a difficult day. Eating popcorn, frozen yogurt, fruits and crackers to compensate for our sadness, our shame, our guilt or even for our boredom is a comforting option.

Aside the important nutritional work I do with my clients, my focus is on freeing them from this overweighing emotional eating they’re trapped in. Slowly, I help them create new and healthier habits that will allow them to regain control over the food and over their life.

After our FIRST session, my clients already feel like '“a stone has lifted off their heart”, as I heard it this week. They have a smile on their face again thinking about the new possibilities ahead. It’s amazing! Such powerful work.

For your FREE session and to see if my program is right for you, please click here to access my calendar.

I can’t wait to free you from your excess weight and take you to the healthier and new you 🙏 💜

Caro, your LifeCoach

Photo by JESHOOTS.COM on Unsplash