Feel great naked!


Do you walk around your house naked sometimes?

How comfortable is it for you?

Do you love it? Does it feel liberating? Or does it feel totally uncomfortable?

Uncomfortable because you think it’s inappropriate? Or uncomfortable because you don’t like your body?

For me, and maybe from growing up in France, being naked never was too much of a taboo.

Of course not naked all day, not naked just anywhere, and certainly not naked in front of just anyone!

But it helps in reconnecting with your body.

Your body is an amazing machine and feeling grateful for the body you have is one giant step towards loving yourself better.

And the news I have for you is that is it possible to feel great with no clothes on, no matter what your body looks like.

Losing your excess 10 or 100 pounds isn’t what will make you happier. Look at Supermodels! They also get cheated on! So being ‘beautiful’ isn’t the recipe for happiness 🙏

Your thoughts about your body and about yourself and about your life are what create your happiness…

I do a lot of important work with my clients on body image.

I help them find and believe new thoughts that make them feel reconnected to their body.

Because looking in the mirror and telling yourself affirmations that you’re beautiful, when you don’t believe it, just doesn’t work.

Thinking thoughts about your stomach such as ‘that’s a human stomach’ is a bridge thought that will slowly help you move away from thinking ‘my stomach is disgusting’.

You are good enough and it has nothing to do with the size of your jeans!

Happiness is created by your thoughts.

Walk around your bathroom or your bedroom or your house naked! It’s a great feeling! Even for just one minute!

For coaching on losing your weight the right way, without deprivation, without cutting sugar and flour, and to learn how to feel happier and comfortable with yourself, book your free session here now!

I look forward to taking you on this amazing journey to the new YOU ❤️

Warm hugs 🤗

Caro, your LifeCoach

Photo by JOSHUA COLEMAN on Unsplash

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