The voice...


The biggest obstacle to any kind of transformation is the voice in your head telling you it’s impossible.

The voice often says:

You’ve always been like this, you’ll always be like this. What’s the point of even trying. Nothing works anyway. Nothing’s gonna change. So might as well eat….

The voice has more power on your actions than your parents or anyone else you trust in our life!

You become frightened of change.

And then when maybe you’re brave enough to override the voice and go for change, the voice says things like: you're trying too hard….or…you’re not trying hard enough…

And the voice sounds so much like you that you believe it IS YOU…

So you think you are telling yourself the truth…

Why can’t you just realize you’ve gained weight and make some decisions about how to proceed to lose your weight once and for all?

Because the intention of the voice is to keep you from changing.


Simply because the brain 🧠 doesn’t like change…

But change is good and necessary for us as humans.

And losing your excess weight is critical for your health, as well as for the endless new possibilities that open up for you in your life.

Byron Katie says “I love my thoughts. I’m just not tempted to believe them.”

In my coaching practice, I coach you on managing ‘the voice’ to not stop you anymore, to not make you afraid anymore, and to letting you change to the greater, healthier, happier you.

I give you all the tools to lose your excess weight and keep it off, but more importantly we retrain ‘the voice’ to be on your side, not against you!

To end your weight struggle the right way, the best way, from someone who loves food and doesn’t get you to your goal from a place of deprivation, book your FREE session here and see what it’s all about!

I look forward to helping you!

Warm hugs 🤗

Caro, your LifeCoach

Photo by Jason Rosewell on Unsplash

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