It's not about the weight...


But it’s not NOT about the weight…

We think we’re miserable because of what we weigh. Miserable because we can’t walk a block without feeling short of breath. Miserable because we missed our bus just because we couldn’t run. Miserable because our joints and our knees hurt. Miserable because we don’t sleep well. Miserable because our choices for clothes are limited.

Surely theses discomforts can’t be denied.

So it is about the weight in the sense that weight gets in the way of basic functions of being fully alive. And no one will argue that being a hundred pounds overweight is not physically challenging.

But when you hear about people mortgaging their house to pay for a gastric bypass operation but then gained their weight back. Or you hear about people losing a hundred pounds and were so disappointed because it didn’t fix what was broken and then gained back the weight.

You realize that the truth is….it’s not just about the weight.

It’s never just about the weight.

When a pill will be discovered that will allow people to eat whatever they want without gaining weight, the feelings and the situations they were turning to food to avoid will still be there. They will just find more inventive ways to numb themselves.

The work I do with my clients is on nailing the cause of their overeating, not just treating the symptoms.

I help them live better, healthier and happier lives while alongside of that, giving them all the tools they need to lose their excess weight.

This work is the right way to lose weight, because when they’re done working with me, they truly feel FREE.

They feel relaxed around food. They have figured out the drama in their lives. They can now fully start living their lives.

And this transformation and their FREEDOM is my biggest reward!

If you would like to free from your weight struggle, losing weight the right way, book your FREE session here to see what it’s all about!

I cannot wait for you to experience what it’s like to walk on this amazing trail!

Warm hugs,

Caro, your LifeCoach

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