Hug harder, love bigger...


From Los Angeles, the city I love and live in, this is my small tribute to Kobe Bryant and to Gianna his beautiful angel…

My heart bleeds so much for his wife Vanessa and for Gianna’s sisters.

As a woman, a wife and a mother I want to hold her, and them, in my heart and prayers right now.

I pray for the Bryant family, for their friends, and for Kobe’s fans around the world.

And for the other broken and devastated families who have also lost one, two and even three loved ones in this very tragic helicopter crash that took place this past Sunday morning in the hills of Calabassas, just about 10 miles away from my home. .

My prayers go out to them all.

I can’t even begin to imagine their immense emptiness and pain.

What I feel like saying to myself, to my loved ones today and to all of you my beautiful readers is that…

We have no right taking our life for granted.

We should try not let our small problems control our minds and our lives.

We should not ever just live to live…

Let’s be ALIVE and live fully and consciously.

Hug yourself and everyone harder 🤗

Smile happily 😊

Love bigger ❤️

Dream dream dream

Appreciate your loved ones, your friends, your job, your body, your health.

Manifest what you are grateful for in your life.

Don’t let fear get in the way of your goals

Don’t stay stuck in anger and frustration.

Find the thoughts that will drive the feeling of ‘courage’ for you.

I am here for you


I love you ❤️

Caro, your LifeCoach

Caro Szabo#loveComment