When to eat your 🍉 🍍 🍓 🥝 🍊?


The yummy juicy mandarines from my orchard!

Eating fruit is good for your health and for your weight…TRUE or FALSE?!

It’s TRUE….but not entirely!

Eating your fruits at the wrong time can cause you to feel bloated AND to put on weight.

The good news is that eating your fruits at the right time will help you avoid all discomfort and weight gain.

Here is why:

1. Never with a meal…
Fruits pass very quickly through the stomach and transit directly into the intestines where the fructose is then digested.

If you eat your fruits at the end of your meal, they stay longer in the stomach because they sit on the rest of the food you just ate. They then start fermenting because of the fructose they contain, and the rest of your meal then also starts fermenting 🤢

Fermentation = bloating and acid reflux

To avoid it, it’s simple: Eat your fruit at least 30 minutes ahead of your meal!

I recommend you apply this simple rule when planning for your kids’ meals as well to ensure healthy digestion and well-being throughout their day 😉

2. Before breakfast…
Eating a piece of fruit upon waking up, leaving about 30 minutes before eating your breakfast, will give you a great boost of energy! When you are fasting, the vitamins are more rapidly distributed throughout the body, and your brain will feel more alert.

3. As a snack…
As I mentioned initially, we want to eat our fruits as ‘away’ from the meals as possible.

At around 3 or 4 pm, when your body feels a bit tired and in a slight hypoglycemia, it is then ideal to have a piece of fruit. All the fructose in the fruit will help your body regain some energy to face the rest of your day, and your brain to feel focused again.

4. Not all the time…
Surely fruits are made of water, and of vitamins, and of fibers, but also they are made of fructose, hence of sugar! So…if you are trying to lose your excess weight, I recommend you pay attention to your fruits intake. I mentioned initially, we want to eat our fruits as ‘away’ from the meals as possible.

Enjoy your fruits!

I recommend eating a variety of fruits and not to forget our beautiful apples this season 🍎 🍏

Remember the old saying “an apple a day keeps the doctor away!”?

Well, it’s a very valid saying! Apples contain a lot of fibers and help keep your digestive track healthy. I recommend you eat them raw and with the skin! If however, you or your kiddos have a bit of diarrhea, peel the skin, it will help settle the stomach very fast!

That’s it from me for today!

I am Caro The LifeCoach, I am the Foodie of Weight-Loss LifeCoaches.

I am French.

And I love food!

To lose your excess weight without deprivation and not gain the weight back, book your COMPLIMENTARY coaching session right here and let’s start working on your future self!

I cannot wait!

Warm hugs 🤗

Caro, your LifeCoach

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