My morning routine...


A lot of my clients ask me about my morning routine, so I thought I’d share it here on my Blog!

I get up at 6 AM to prepare my kids lunches for school. At 6:20 AM I wake them up for their breakfast! My kids are 9 and 10 years old (in 4th and 5th grade respectively).

They, we, are very fortunate they attend an amazing school, actually the top rated public magnet charter school in Los Angeles, but the school being in Bel Air, the most expensive neighborhood in the city, my kids have had to ride the bus to school every day since Kindergarten!

Everything is fast fast fast, we’re out the door by 6:50 AM, as their bus leaves by 7:05 AM.

So by 7:30 AM latest I am back at home and ready to start my own routine!

My husband, who has read the book called Medical Medium a while ago, usually starts his day and mine, making us fresh Celery juice.

He used to feel a lot of reflux and acidity and poor digestion and living on over the counter relief medicines. From the start of drinking Celery juice, it was almost instant relief, and since he’s been free of all digestive discomfort. AMAZING! The funny thing is that he HATES Celery, particularly raw, and first thing in the morning!!!! O The things we do!!!

I never experienced the same digestive symptoms but I must say I do enjoy starting my day with such an earthy taste and the feeling I’m doing something good for my body.

I open the windows in my house, tidy up my kitchen from the morning rush, and then I check my emails and my calendar for the day!

My next step is to take a few minutes to close my eyes and meditate. I usually listen to a Guided Meditation on my phone. I enjoy an App called Insight Timer. It’s free for the most part, and offers lots of options.

During my meditation, I recite my affirmations, I say them in my head or out loud depending on my mood and fatigue, what and who I am grateful for, but also what I want to see manifest in my life. This is a great way to start your day and it doesn’t take long. Even 5 min per day can be very powerful…

When I can, I do a few yoga sun salutations before preparing my breakfast… I know that when I do do that, I feel much more relaxed and ready for my day with intentions!

Now on to breakfast! I usually have a slice of my ‘fitness bread’ with grass-fed butter and a protein. My favorite protein is salmon roe but that’s my once in a while treat! A soft boiled egg is something I enjoy very much too and that holds me well thru my morning. I love eating seaweeds! And to end my breakfast, I treat myself to a spoon of Nutella!!! Oooops!!! I drink a yummy Roibush Herbal tea along with that. It’s flavorful, I can add milk to it, or not, I love the spices of the Yogi brand one particularly!

I then get on with my work day!

Before I start coaching my clients, I run Thought Downloads, meaning that I transfer all the sentences that are going thru my head at that moment onto a blank sheet of paper. I pull the one recurring thought out and coach myself on it. It helps me clear any drama going on in my brain, and allows me to feel 100% available to receive my clients’ pains and struggles and help them with a clear mind and a loving heart.

Last but not least, once a week, preferably on Monday morning, I fully get coached by my own LifeCoach!

It’s a session that I always look forward to. I get to share my own life issues, and my coach helps me keep my life at 80/20 versus the average 50/50 it could be at sometimes! I share my emotions with her, on family or business stuffs for the most part, and she always has my back, no matter what.

Her time, her wisdom are an amazing gift for me to help navigate the challenges of life with, as even though I share most of my personal issues with my husband or my mother, they don’t always have the perspective and detachment needed to ‘stay out of the pool’ and truly show me the way out.

Please share your morning routine with me!

And if like me, you would like to get coached and experience the power of having a LifeCoach, please book your COMPLIMENTARY session here on my calendar:

I look forward to this time with you!

Caro your LifeCoach

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