Sugar affects your mood!


Eating almost any food leads to a rise in glucose, which then prompts the secretion of insulin.

Insulin is a hormone that helps move glucose into cells, where it should be burned for energy.

Both are essentials for normal brain function. Glucose is the principle fuel of brain cells, and insulin regulates the glucose levels.

The foods you eat influence the levels of both glucose and insulin, which affect your weight, and your moods and ability to think clearly.

Foods rich in protein such as 🐠 or 🐔 or 🥩 or foods rich in fiber such as non-starchy vegetables 🥦 🥗 produce only modest increases in glucose and insulin. This is why tiger-protein, lower carb meals help people lose weight. They curb hunger by stabilizing their glucose level, meaning by becoming fat adapted. Their body then reaches for the fat that stored in their body for fueling the muscles, the brain 🧠 and the different organs.

Good nutrition has so much power that the result is not only positive for your body, but for your mood as well!

Foods that are high in sugars and refined carbohydrates, such as most fast-food meals, convenience foods and sweets lead to a rapid and extreme rise in glucose and insulin.

When insulin is constantly present in the body, other very important hormones can’t do their job properly.

For example, insulin affects a hormone called Leptin. It tells you when you are hungry and full. If it can’t function well, you are no longer in tune with your ‘hunger scale’, and won’t be able to recognize when you have eaten enough.

Insulin also affects the Ghrelin hormone, which is produced in the stomach and lets you know when your body is hungry. It makes that grrrr noise in your stomach. When concentrated food are consumed, or sodas, it doesn’t recognize the calorie intake and will continue messaging the body that it is hungry.

In the work that I do, I teach my clients that hormones can be regulated by good eating habits.

And good eating habits = good mood!

Each person’s metabolism and personal story is different, that is why together we establish the right protocol for each individual.

If you or someone you know has had enough of spending time and money on dieting, and is ready to lose their excess weight the right way, for the last time, and make room in their life for good mood and the life they truly want, thenthis work is for you and them!

Book your free consultation here to find out more about this powerful work we do.

Caro, your LifeCoach

Photo by Irina on Unsplash